The Old Hatchery
The History
The Wonderful History of The Old Hatchery and Socoro
The Old Hatchery is a syndication project initiated around 2006 by the Socoro Syndicates Group, based in Johannesburg, which has compiled syndications in the co-ownership leisure property-, and yachting industries for discerning business-, and professional people as investors, locally and abroad, since 1982. With a client base numbering in the thousands the Group has the distinction of being the only firm of its kind – anywhere – with a success track record spanning almost four decades. Group members initiate projects from within - leading to mainly South African ventures but also involvement in London, Spain as well as yacht syndications in the Med, Seychelles and Far East. We are well active on golf estates, game farms and sea side investments in the Cape, North Coast and especially the South Coast. Regarding the lower South Coast our flagship investments are the ‘Jewel of the South Coast’ - being San Lameer – and of late even more so in the second ‘Jewel’ – the younger-, and equally magnificent Ekubo Coastal Estate.
The Drakensberg as leisure property destination has always held a very special position in the minds of South Africans with effect that after two decades Group Members started nudging Management in that direction - and we responded. Rivers like the uMzimkhulu together with snow capped mountains cast a magic spell and experiencing four season in one day is quite unique. The Berg lives, as there is so much to do. From accepting the challenge of ascending the daunting Sani pass or just letting your hair go at the annual Splashy Fenn music festival, you will be at home.
We involved ourselves with The Old Hatchery at Underberg on the tarred Drakensberg Gardens road for a host of reasons. TOH being well developed there is tremendous value in land and structures. The majestic uMzimkhulu passes close by and the estate is fed from a perineal mountain stream - gently cascading into a waterfall feeding TOH’s main trout dam, yet transforming into a thunderous roar when in flood. There is hardly a spot not reached by the sound of water – further enhanced by hydro-fed fountains and trout breeding dams - each feeding into the next and then on to the river.
At TOH we sport a host of accommodation venues and also cater for touring groups – mostly from Germany. A visiting DStv film crew rated our Cascata Restaurant, adjacent to the waterfall, as ‘the best restaurant in Underberg’ – a well supported local venue. Management and owners are constantly considering-, and implementing new ideas for further enhancing guest’s experiences. We have limited co-ownership shareholding available – do enquire – enabling you to invest directly into the estate.
Group members and others on their way to the South Coast find it most convenient to stay over in the Berg for a night or two. You are most welcome too.